Companionship! A powerful word for me right now because we said goodbye to our cat on Friday. I believe in companions who are not of this world too, who are there with us nonetheless.

I haven't got any Hollywood contacts, but I do know what it's like to move to the United States as an extremely sensitive person; if you ever want to chat candidly about that just let me know.

Email photo incoming!

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So sorry for having to say goodbye to your fiend 🤍 animals are the best companions!! And oh how I can imagine the United States to be a stressful country! In my dreams I am only going there for a super duper project and leave right after. Thank you for your kind offer. I‘d be really interested (from where were you moving?)

Thank you for your beautiful picture also!!!! Imaginary friend coming up!!

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I moved from Canada! I'll send you my USA takes via email for privacy ^^

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Thank you!!!!!! ♥️ I was SO afraid that you would want to have a phone call :D

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Hahaha well since we're confessing! That WAS my original idea which seemed totally fine until you said you were interested and then I experienced a WHAT WAS I THINKING moment. We'll just take it slow! Emails are nice! Emails are great ♥️

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Hahahahahahahahahaha perfect!! ♥️

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