When I started writing this Newsletter, I promised Sunday thoughts and I NEVER sent a Sunday Newsletter. BUT TODAY IS THE DAY!
And since the last newsletter was mostly about the importance of leaving the house, I decided to……. LEAVE THE HOUSE!
I applied for a puppet making masterclass in Norway. Figur Teatret invited ten artists from around the world to learn proper puppet making from Matt Jackson. I stayed in Norway for three weeks. I saw spermwhales, chicken in my kitchen (the alive type), I wrecked a car, saw sea eagles, northern lights, the most beautiful sunrise and well, I made a puppet!
Find more pictures and thoughts on my Blog, HERE.
Now, being back, the most difficult part is to get back to normal. So I thought that the best way to do that is by writing a LOVELETTER TO YOU (ok, it’s just a normal Newsletter, but written with LOVE)
Also I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who ordered the “It’s important to leave the house” reminder, in wearable form. This made me incredibly happy and I can’t wait to run into you on the streets, both wearing our shirts! (then hiding anxiously with my ninja skills)
And last but not least, because I really try and make this Newsletter worthwile and I promised to always have something special for you.
Here is the video I made in Norway. A beautiful Lofoten Sunrise, a creature rising, a guardian of the ocean awakens. This video is not on social media (because of it’s length to be honest) so it’s specially for you <3 ( I have the feeling I need to add more value to this News. . uhm. . Loveletter in the near future, since I have the feeling that even my parents stopped reading it. How would I know? They are not wearing my “It’s important to leave the house” uniform, that’s how)
The Video:
Real News
The Vernissage at Kleine Affäre has been postboned, due to transportation issues (who would have thought that tranporting artwork from Vienna to Germany can be such a challenge?) Instead of the 4th of November, we are going to open the Exhibition on February, 23rd, 2024.
Also, and this is already so much work that I have the feeling Premiere might be next week, I am designing the set, the costumes and the puppets for “Ida und der fliegende Wal” at TjG in Dresden. More Info. HERE . (Premiere is June 1st, 2024)
Today will be a good day for you <3
Loveletter in the near future. Und wie !!! erwartungsvoll wir immer wieder auf einen neuen warten.
Aufgeregt wird dann in unserem Wohnzimmer herumgelaufen, wird jedes Medium (Tablett, Laptop, Handy) untereinander ausgetauscht und alles begierig gelesen , und interpretiert.
Nicht nur weil wir Mom und Dad sind, sondern weil wir jedes mal auf Neue begeistert sind, wieviel Liebe, Tiefe und Deine wunderschöne Kunst und Dein Leben sich für uns beide miterleben und begeistert nachverfolgen lässt.
Also, wir lesen es immer wieder, und wieder und wieder.
Wenn bis dato noch kein Kommentar (modern: Like) geschrieben wurde, dann aus dem Grund, dass es Dein Dad bis dato nicht geschafft hat, den Kommentar im Netz freizugeben. Ein technisches Problem (im Briefe schreiben ist er besser) das heute hoffentlich gelöst wurde. Deine Mom hat nicht aufgegeben, dass ich es versuche und versuchen und ....
Freuen uns schon gemeinsam auf Deinen nächsten Loveletter in the near future und natürlich würden wir auch gerne so ein Shirt "It´s important to leave the house" anziehen, um damit wie mit all Deinen anderen Shirts, mit denen wir in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten die Begeisterung und Freude beim Ansehen auslösen zu können.
In tiefer Liebe Mom und Dad
Simply sharing glimpses of your reality like this is already more than enough value for me.
Norway... it looks like a beautiful magical place. The thought of being so close to whales is stirring my heart. Imagine their giant heartbeats next to our human sized heartbeats... I guess you don't have to imagine, you seriously left the house! The new puppet's face is really mesmerizing. Thanks for sharing your medicine 🖤