It`s Monday morning and I am sitting in my micro garden, watching how the blackbirds are slowly trying to take over. I had only one bird for quite a while. Knew her so well, that I got worried when she did not visit for a few days. (For better understanding, my garden is small and surrounded by houses, in the middle of the city. It’s not easy to find but if you find it, as an animal, I will provide you with everything you need. Shelter, food and a fresh bath every day) She now brought her family and I could not be happier and at the same time more worried. Because now I fear for the wellbeing of the whole family. (Vienna is wild)
I once promised Sunday thoughts and strangely enough it was a Sunday when I finally felt relaxed enough to sit down and write to you. It is a Monday though where I finally feel organized enough to send everything. Sometimes I wonder if this letter provides anything to you out there and I hope it does <3
I mean, with the first promise of Sunday thoughts I also promised a community. And I kind of hope that this is happening, silently, behind the scenes. Maybe I will think of some sort of group activity for the next letter. The one that doesn‘t require to leave the house or meet in person (or zooms and whatnot) Something like in Connective Dreaming. I will think about it (a bee just visited. They don‘t find my garden very often but every year I try to lure them here with new blossoms)
Last time I said that this letter will be a bit less cryptical and even contain some real information. (or maybe did I just think that?)
Over the last months I was away a lot. Mostly in Dresden, to prepare for the theater show where I got invited to design puppets, set and costumes. They are in the middle of rehearsals now and if you have a child and live in Germany, somewhat close to Dresden; the premiere is on the first of June and I think it‘s going to be a magical little piece of theater. Here are a few pictures on where this is going. Everything is made by the theater, after my designs. And I have to say that I love that process.
I also went to Norway again and am hoping so so much to continue this creative Norway journey with my new project. But that‘s not news yet. As for now it is just Hope. Of course I made a new video in Norway. Bit more spooky than the last one, maybe.
My exhibition at Kleine Affäre is going into its last week. Saying, „if you haven‘t seen it yet, go and visit“ might be unrealistic. But who knows. Or maybe you know someone who lives close. I am happy if as many people as possible are seeing it, since I think it turned out pretty well. Pictures? Yes, why not.
Otherwise I don‘t know what‘s happening. This is a crazy world we are living in and sometimes it‘s hard to still see the beauty in it. But I try. And then I try to reflect it back to you. Through my work. And I hope it does something good.
This time I have no special extra to add. I want to try how this makes me feel since I have the feeling that my constantly trying to add value to something that should have value on its own (me) might not be the healthiest thing to do (for me). Whispering the cliche mantra of: I AM ENOUGH <3
I have one last question. I am thinking of putting together an online activity, some would call it an online course but I want to think about it more as a group creation. It wouldn‘t be like classes available for a lifetime and such. More like little videos, sent weekly, and the option for direct feedback. And we would see if we can get some creatures into this reality. Would anyone be interested in this? ( I would never dare to aks you to comment here because when there are no comments I would think that no one is interested and I really want to create this. And might this also be the perfect idea for the group activity I promised a few paragraphs ago? Magic!
Anyways, thank you for reading. This was way more text than normally but today felt like the lazy kind of „share your thoughts” day. No other insect or bird came to visit while I was writing this. (Oh an ant did. I think I should I appreciate it as well)
I love your projects. They are all magical.
Gorgeous work! Looking forward to experiencing the documentation of the theatre piece. Exciting! Wow! Cheers from the US :)